Riders for Readers Starts Kids Rolling in the Right Direction
The National Institute of Education report of the Commission on Reading found that, “The single most important activity for building knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” Literacy is the foundation for success in all academic disciplines and an essential ingredient for effective participation in responsible citizenship and community activities.
Velocity Motorcycles has developed a unique community partnership of motorcyclists, public schools and not for profit organizations which enables elementary schools which have a high proportion of at risk students to establish personal home libraries for their students, increasing opportunities for children to read and for family members to read to children.
Motorcycle and scooter riders visit elementary schools, bringing a wide selection of books for pleasure reading and event t-shirts for the students and faculty. The riders talk to the students about their enjoyment of reading and about the books they have at home which they share with family members and friends. The young readers are encouraged to begin their personal home libraries and develop an interest in pleasure reading.
Riders for Readers has conducted events at several Elementary Schools, the children museum of Richmond and an interstate experimental program in cooperation with the Arts Council of Manatee County Florida and is planning to conduct several more events in the very near future at other locations in the Richmond area. In addition to sponsorship from multiple Rotary clubs in the Richmond area and the participation of Rotary Club members, these events have been conducted with help from Communities in Schools (the nation’s largest dropout prevention program operating in more than 2500 schools across the country), Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Scholastic Literacy Partners, Youth Matters, Richmond BMW Riders, James River Vintage Riders, Supreme Ladies, Boys II Men, Cobra I, Cycle Kings, Velocity Motorcycles and the donations and participation of dozens of enthusiastic motorcyclists and other supporters.
Research indicates a correlation between poverty and low academic achievement. Students attending some elementary schools are at greater risk of not attaining the academic success of their peers. In comparison to the average, some of these schools serve three times as many single-parent families at or below the poverty level and three times as many students eligible for free or reduced cost lunches. In one third of the families served, parents have less than a high school education and are minimally involved in the educational process.
The response from the students, parents, teachers, and administrators has been dramatic. Knowing that someone outside their family or classroom would volunteer a few hours to bring free books has encouraged young readers to give thoughtful and often entertaining explanations for selecting certain books from the hundreds of titles brought to each event.
Funding for the first year of the program has come mainly from the Brandermill Rotary Club, South Richmond Rotary, Huguenot Trail Rotary and Velocity, with help from the Richmond BMW Riders and the G.E. College Bound program. Additional funds have come from pocket change donated throughout the year at Velocity Motorcycles which coordinated and hosts the events and stores the books.
Participating riders and their passengers donate a registration fee which offsets partially the cost of event T-shirt and books. Spectators and other supporters may buy shirts year round for fifteen dollars to support the program.
Riders for Readers is a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation looking for individual and corporate sponsors in order to involve more schools and bring books to more children this year. To learn how you can help and how your company can sponsor a Riders for Readers event, call or <a href=”mailto:%20eric@velocityvintage.com” target=”_blank”>email</a> Eric at Velocity 804-353-3456